Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Wedding Advice

At my bridal shower the girls had everyone write down some marriage advice in a little book. I loved the gesture and brought it to the wedding for our other guests to share their thoughts as well. Here are a few of my favorites:

- be sure to babysite nieces as much as possible to prepare you for parenting and to give your sister a break :) (from paul's sister)

- Three phrases a husband must learn for a happy marriage 1. yes, dear 2. you're right, dear and 3. it's all my fault (from paul's BIL)

- Remember to take out the trash, work on the honey do list and always say yes dear!! Oh yeah, I taught him everything he knows (from paul's mom)

- take time each day for each other, one little hug or kiss has alot of mileage, as well as the occasional I'm sorry. (from my friends)

- be grateful and loving to your partner and your relationship will be solid (from co-worker)

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